Tactile paths are designed for walking barefoot

Tactile paths are designed for walking barefoot on heterogeneous coatings, develop children's touch skills and teach to catch the differences between warm and cold, rough and smooth, soft and hard, elastic and hard. The path is useful for children to develop tactile sensations, for the elderly and people with disabilities. It has a powerful therapeutic effect. Tactile path consists of 8 elements of different outer coating.
Device description:
Each element has its own type of outer coating
Corrugated metal
Wavy plastic surface
Artificial grass
Corrugated rubber
Coating with needles
Carp et.
The frame of each element is made of high-quality lacquered plywood. The path is accompanied by a platform on rollers for transportation indoors. You can keep the path assembled, while it does not take up much space. The total length is 4.24 m.