Medical holding "Sintez-KZ" produces equipment for rehabilitation
If a person cannot be treated, it does not mean he cannot be helped!




The product is designed for active movement of disabled children with severe violations of voluntary motor skills for short distances indoors and outside. Walkers are used in medical and preventive, rehabilitation centers, as well as in everyday life.

The design is a base on wheels with a stand fixed on it, in the upper part of which there is a suspension with a patient's suit fixed on it, the suit provides verticalization and free movements of the patient in the standing and walking position. By adjusting the length of the suspension, the necessary degree of dehydration of the patient is ensured.

The structure is made of lightweight, durable and corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy. The wheels are equipped with brakes.

Indications for use

  • Teaching walking to primarily non–verticalized patients - disabled children with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system due to neurological pathology;
  • Teaching walking to patients with lost movement function due to traumatological pathology;
  • Walking training for patients with the consequences of surgical interventions on segments of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Walking training for patients with CNS pathologies caused by cerebrovascular disorders.